Cultural Capital
The Visual Dictionary of Sociology (VDS) is a collection of images that illustrate core sociological concepts, created through a multi-year partnership between Professor Kathy Liddle and myself. The images have been used successfully in a first-year introductory sociology course to encourage discussion and deep thinking among students. The Visual Dictionary of Sociology has continued to be a fixture in the curriculum of the first-year sociology course at the University of Toronto Scarborough, now being taught by Professor Bahar Hashemi.
I was co-author on a research paper that Professor Kathy Liddle put together regarding the VDS. You may find a copy of that paper by following this button.
You can also find all the images from the Visual Dictionary of Sociology in the University of Toronto archives by following this button.
Provided below is a small document I put together explaining the process behind the creation of the dictionary itself. If you cannot access the images for whatever reason, please contact me at ujwalmantha@gmail.com for a copy of the text.

Lastly, I have something that needs to be said, a little gratitude I need to let out into the universe. Looking at this dictionary now, years after having started it as a 19 year old undergrad, I'm flooded with feelings; about how far I've come and how much has changed. We tend to look at a project for what it ultimately becomes, we judge it by it's completeness. I will always look at this project differently. For me, this project and Professor Kathy Liddle in particular were my becoming, I will be grateful to her and this opportunity for as long as I change and grow.
Thank you.